APMDWE 2020 Abstracts

Area 1 - Advanced Practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 1

Prototypes as Starting Point in MDE: Proof of Concept


Alejandro Sánchez-Villarín, Alejandro Santos-Montaño, Nora Koch and David L. Casas

Abstract: Prototyping is a technique frequently used in the early stages of software development, but often prototypes are discarded or the provided information manually transferred into further steps of the software production. An open issue in industry and research is the automated reuse of valuable information included in these prototypes. We propose to build a tool that transforms prototypes into models. It is based on model-driven engineering concepts. In this paper, we present a first proof of concept for such a tool. For the validation, we built a mockup based prototype and a plugin for the transformations. The prototype and the generated analysis models were presented to potential end-users of software development companies. They confirmed the need for tool support for reusing information provided by prototypes and considered transforming prototypes into NDT suite models the most appropriate solution for them.

Paper Nr: 2

The Current Limitations of Blockchain Traceability: Challenges from Industry


N. Sánchez-Gómez, M. M. Risoto, J. M. Ramos-Cueli, T. WojdyƄski, D. Lizcano and J. Torres-Valderrama

Abstract: Blockchain technology is a chain of cryptographically linked blocks. It was designed to be immutable, so that the identity and traceability of the information entered would be guaranteed. After analyzing several traceability solutions, in the context of a Spanish company project, it was found that in order for a traceability solution to be efficient and agile, an additional layer is necessary in the blockchain. Since this need originated in the industrial sector, the subject has awakened considerable interest in the research community. This paper explains why the extra layer is essential and why it should ideally be totally independent of the information that is recorded on the blockchain network. Although data in a blockchain network is immutable, the paper also outlines the need for additional verification mechanisms capable of determining whether the raw data was correct. Finally, it includes planned future work.

Paper Nr: 3

A Software Product Line for Digital Libraries


Delfina Ramos-Vidal, Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel R. Luaces, Oscar Pedreira and Angeles S. Places

Abstract: Digital libraries (DL) have become very popular nowadays. The most important libraries of the world currently publish their collections online, properly classified and, in many cases, with access to the digital version of the resources. DLs are very useful for the general public and for research groups in many fields, such as language and literature. Developing these products is a complex and expensive task, and usually small organizations have to conform with DLs with poor features or outdated. However, this kind of systems usually share most of the features, and even the data model, maybe with little modifications depending on the kind of resources to manage. In this paper, we analyse the domain of DLs using both the previous knowledge of the research group and reviewing many existing products. The outcome is an exhaustive feature model that models the variability of this kind of systems.