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Special Sessions

Special sessions are very small and specialized events to be held during the conference as a set of oral and poster presentations that are highly specialized in some particular theme or consisting of the works of some particular international project. The goal of special sessions (minimum 4 papers; maximum 9) is to provide a focused discussion on innovative topics. All accepted papers will be published in a special section of the conference proceedings book, under an ISBN reference, and on digital support. All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library. SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef and every paper is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). The proceedings are submitted for indexation by Web of Science / Conference Proceedings Citation Index, DBLP, EI and SCOPUS.


BA 2013Special Session on Business Apps
Chair(s): Tim A. Majchrzak and Gottfried Vossen

STDIS 2013Special Session on Socio-technical Dynamics in Information Systems
Chair(s): Monique Janneck

FWP 2013Special Session on Future Workplace - Socio-technical Impacts on Knowledge and Information Work
Chair(s): Andrea Denger and Bernd Fachbach

Special Session on Business Apps - BA 2013


Tim A. Majchrzak
University of Agder
Gottfried Vossen
University of Münster

Applications for mobile devices – apps – propel the success of smartphones and tablet PCs. They enable users in grasping the full capabilities of devices. Due to the proliferation of mobile devices in the consumer market, they are increasingly recognized by corporations. Introducing smartphones and tablet PCs in companies does not do the trick, though: apps representing applicable business cases are needed. Moreover, apps can be utilized for marketing, customer loyalty, and sales activities. Such apps can be summarized as business apps.

While developing apps is considered to be straightforward, there are challenges to the creation of business apps. They need to adhere to quality standards, be secure and robust, and meet their requirements. Adhering to such criteria is similar to what is expected from classical applications developed by corporations. However, whether the same methods can be used is widely unclear. Additionally, there are new challenges such as developing for multiple incompatible platforms and a multitude of differing devices, security on inherently unsecure systems, performance issues, and the demand to conserve energy. Therefore, research is needed that goes beyond the general study of applications for mobile devices.

Special Session on Socio-technical Dynamics in Information Systems - STDIS 2013


Monique Janneck
Luebeck University of Applied Sciences

Information technology is deeply interwoven with personal, social, and organizational developments: Technology changes work routines as well as personal habits or communication between people or groups, has an impact on political decisions and legislation, enables new forms of business and customer relations and so forth. This is especially true for communication technology and web-based systems: For example, the use
of e-mail and other electronic media has had a tremendous impact on how people communicate with each other, both in private life and at work. Platforms like facebook brought about completely new ways of interacting with other people, spreading and receiving information. Also, research has shown that implementing new technology like groupware systems changes social structures in groups and organizations.

The aim of this special session is to shed more light on the dynamic interplay between technological and social systems, especially regarding innovative web-based systems and technologies.

Special Session on Future Workplace - Socio-technical Impacts on Knowledge and Information Work - FWP 2013


Andrea Denger
Independent Researcher
Bernd Fachbach
Independent Researcher

Knowledge workers usually request the best possible support by a suitable environment - a perfect combination of people, organization and information technology. The Virtual Vehicle Research Center conducted a study to identify trends and drivers which are clustered into the categories internet of people, data, services and things. Identified trends included for example:

- hierarchies to be largely replaced by social networks,
- social media to change the way how employees collaborate,
- central ICT approaches to be replaced by decentralized approaches,
- employees to use information streams for knowledge acquisition and sharing,
- opened-up access to corporate information,
- mobile devices to overtake desktop devices, and
- employees becoming experts based on content they generate.
