Keynote Lectures
Keynote Lecture 1 - The Java Revolution : From Enterprise to Gaming
  Prof. Raghavan N. Srinivas
Sun Microsystems
Brief Bio of Prof. Raghavan N. Srinivas

Dr. Raghavan "Rags" Srinivas is a Java Technology Evangelist at Sun Microsystems. He specializes in Java and distributed systems. He is a proponent of Java tehnology and teaches undergraduate and graduate classes in the evening. He has spoken on a variety of technical topics at conferences around the world. Rags brings with him about 15 years of software development experience. He worked for Digital Equipment Corporation before joining Sun. He has worked on several technology areas, including internals of VMS, Unix and NT. Rags holds a Masters degree in Computer Science from the Center of Advanced Computer Studies at the University of Southwestern Louisiana. He enjoys running, hiking and eating spicy food.

Java has caught the programming world by a storm and has become a defacto programming platform for the network.

In this session, I will talk about the forays made by Java into diverse markets. From enterprises with stringent security requirements to games that demand maximum performance. I'll provide a brief history, some case studies and walkthrough the different editions of Java that make it feasible to be used from smart cards to super computers.

After attending this session, you will hopefully walk away with the idea that it's incumbent upon you to check the feasibility of developing a project, large or small, using Java first before embarking on the alternatives.

Keynote Lecture 2 - Model Driven Architecture: Next Steps
  Dr. Richard Soley
Object Management Group, Inc.
Brief Bio of Dr. Richard Soley

Dr. Richard Mark Soley is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Object Management Group, Inc. (OMG).
As Chairman and CEO, Dr. Soley is ultimately responsible for all of the business of OMG. Since he also was the original Technical Director of the OMG, he serves as a valuable resource for a broad range of topics: from predictions and trends in the industry to the nuts and bolts of CORBA implementations and the OMG technology adoption process.
Previously, Dr. Soley was a cofounder and former Chairman/CEO of A. I. Architects, Inc., maker of the 386 HummingBoard and other PC and workstation hardware and software. Prior to that, he consulted for various technology companies and venture firms on matters pertaining to software investment opportunities. Dr. Soley has also consulted for IBM, Motorola, PictureTel, Texas Instruments, Gold Hill Computer and others.
A native of Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A., Dr. Soley holds the bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is an initiative of the worldwide Object Management Group (OMG) to drive software development into the 21st century: to make software development an engineering discipline, built on plans and blueprints (models and notations), using accepted practices (methodologies) and focused on high-quality software development which results in maintainable and integratable systems. Most methodologies focus on lowering the initial cost of software development; while that is laudable (and MDA does address it somewhat), since 90% of software lifecycle cost is in the maintenance and integration phase, that is where MDA focuses its attention.

MDA has proven itself over the past four years, helping IT departments worldwide develop, deliver and most importantly integrate solutions; MDA also shows every sign of being able to deliver on that promise for the long term. What, then, is the next focus for OMG in delivering on the MDA vision? This year, that focus will be in two infrastructure areas (Business Process & Business Rule Metamodeling, and Embedded Systems Development) as well as vertical market technology areas (from Healthcare and Financial Systems to Space & Ground Systems interoperability).

In his presentation, Dr. Soley will address:
- how models can encapsulate design to support development, re-implementation on changing infrastructure and integration with other corporate assets, not only of code but (for example) of database design;
- case studies of system implementations based on MDA that are deployed and working today
- how the MDA Initiative is focusing its energy over the coming year

Keynote Lecture 3 - Enterprise information systems implementation research:                                         assessment and future directions
  Prof. Henri Barki
HEC Montréal
Brief Bio of Prof. Henri Barki

Henri Barki is Canada Research Chair in Information Technology Implementation and Management and Professor of Information Technologies at HEC Montréal. His main research interests have focused on the development, introduction and use of information technologies in organizations. A member of the Royal Society of Canada since 2003, his research has been published in journals such as Annals of Cases on Information Technology Applications and Management in Organizations, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, Information Systems Research, Information & Management, INFOR, International Journal of Conflict Management, Journal of Management Information Systems, Management Science, MIS Quarterly, and Small Group Research.


In order to better understand the implementation of enterprise information systems in organizations, research needs to more fully take into account the complexity and richness of this phenomenon. This can partly be achieved by more broadly, yet accurately conceptualizing important key constructs, and by developing longitudinal and multi-level research models. A broad conceptualization of system use, as well as multi-period and multi-level implementation models are provided as examples aimed at meeting this research challenge.

Keynote Lecture 4 - Information Technology, Organizational Change                                     Management, and Successful Interorganizational Systems
  Prof. M. Lynne Markus
Bentley University
Download Presentation (available to the conference participants on request only)
Brief Bio of Prof. M. Lynne Markus

M. Lynne Markus is the John W. Poduska, Sr. Chair in Information Management at the McCallum Graduate School of Business, Bentley College. Dr. Markus was formerly a member of the Faculty of Business at the City University of Hong Kong (as Chair Professor of Electronic Business), the Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management at Claremont Graduate University, the Anderson Graduate School of Management (UCLA) and the Sloan School of Management (MIT). She also taught at the Information Systems Research Unit, Warwick Business School, UK (as Visiting Fellow), at the Nanyang Business School, Singapore (as Shaw Foundation Professor), and at the Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Portugal (as Fulbright/FLAD Chair in Information Systems).

Professor Markus’s three primary research areas are enterprise and inter-enterprise systems, IT and organization change, and knowledge management. Dr. Markus has received research grants and contracts from the National Science Foundation, The Advanced Practices Council of SIM International, the Financial Executives Research Foundation, the Office of Technology Assessment (US Congress), and Baan Institute. She is the author of three books and numerous articles in journals such as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Organization Science, Communications of the ACM, Sloan Management Review and Management Science. She has served as AIS VP for Education, SIM VP for Academic Community Affairs, and on the editorial boards of several leading journals in the information systems field.

Professor Markus holds a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh and a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Case Western Reserve University.

Many organizations today seek “cooperative advantage” by building stronger alliances with business partners and enabling them with information technology (IT). A growing body of evidence suggests that the benefits of interorganizational systems (IOS) depend on implementation choices made by both initiators and their partners, especially around system integration. Unfortunately, IOS sometimes do not yield the benefits expected by their initiators, because business partners do not implement or use these systems in the most effective way. This presentation examines how partners’ IT choices contribute to the success or failure of IOS from the perspective of initiators—and what initiators can and should do about it.
Keynote Lecture 5 - Changing the way the enterprise works: Operational                                     Transformations
  Dr. Thomas Greene
Brief Bio of Dr. Thomas Greene

Thomas Greene is the Information Officer and member of the Research Staff of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science. For the period 2000 - 2002, Dr. Greene is on leave from MIT to the National Science Foundation. He is Senior Program Director for Advanced Networking Infrastructure in the ANIR division of the CISE directorate of the NSF.

At MIT, he has managed a variety of special projects for the Laboratory. The most recent projects are the revision of the public web and the logistics of LCS35, an international LCS event. Other projects have included working with Tim Berners-Lee, to establish the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at LCS: this included building both the consortium membership base and the world wide employee team. Prior to that he managed the MIT-LCS Project SCOUT 128 node CM5 supercomputer, used by LCS members and other scientists at MIT, Harvard and Boston University.

Before joining MIT-LCS in 1986, Greene was a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Petroleum & Minerals in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, where he also established the Department of Computer Science in the Engineering College. He has been a visiting Scientist at Stanford University, IBM Cambridge Scientific Centre and the NASA manned spacecraft centre. Greene completed his PhD in Theoretical Physics at the University of Toledo in 1973. His publications have been in physics and in Computer Science.


The communication and information revolution has a fast changing sets of technologies that have already caused changes in the enterprise. Howver expectations of the "customers" of the enterprise have also changed by their personal use of the internet and web. They expect a Time of response for any transacation to be Instantaneous. However the technologies that enable very fast response are complex and rapidly changing and require learning new skills and changing procedures.. Operational Transformation is the next frontier of business advantage.

Because of global competition in uncertain times, companies must change the way they conduct business and reinvent their operations or face losing to competitors who do change. These issues will be carefully examined and a possible solution to the problem offered.
Keynote Lecture 6 - Engineering Web Applications - Challenges and Perspectives
  Prof. Daniel Schwabe
Brief Bio of Prof. Daniel Schwabe

Dr. Schwabe is a professor at the Department of Informatics, Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), since 1981. He received his BSc in Mathematics from PUC-Rio in 1975, his MSc in Computer Science also from PUC-Rio in 1976, and his PhD in Computer Science from UCLA 1981. His doctoral dissertation focused on formal specification and verification of network protocols, especially those of the Internet (ARPANet at the time), and was carried out at the Information Sciences Institute.

In the 80s, prof. Schwabe worked on knowledge based systems, and was responsible for the design and development of the first such systems in Brazil, notably in the medical and legal areas. The evolution of this work led to his current research on authoring methods for hypermedia applications, whose most prominent examples nowadays are web-based applications.

During 1989 he was visiting professor at the Politecnico di Milano, participating in the HITEA project on hypermedia application development, funded by the CEE. This work has led to the development of the Object Oriented Hypermedia Design Method, a world-wide reference in authoring methods for hypermedia, used in Brazil, the US and in Europe. Prof. Schwabe has over 80 published papers in the main journals and conferences in this field. He has been elected as a member of the International World Wide Web Conference Committee, the organization responsible for the WWW conference series. In addition, he has organized several conferences and workshops, and served on the program committee of the main conferences in the area.

Applications developed by his team or in which he participated include, among others, legal information systems for banking institutions in Italy; systems for creating hypermedia manual for heavy mechanical equipement industries; the hypermedia interface to the Portinari Art Archives; institutional presence multimedia kiosks for EMBRATEL, then the state telecomm company. He also helped design and implement inumerous sites on the Internet and in company intranets. In addition to such applications, Dr. Schwabe has also been involved in designing environments to support web-based e-learning, knowledge managment and social software. Many of the projects he led resulted in technologies that were later tranferred to start up companies incubated at PUC-Rio.

At PUC-Rio he has been department chair and also has served in various committees at the University level. Dr. Schwabe was also an elected member and elected coordinator for the Computer Science advisory committee to CNPq (the Brazilian equivalent of the National Science Foundation). He is currently a member of the Computer Science advisory committee to CAPES, the Ministry of Education agency responsible for evaluating all graduate course programs in Brazil. He is a member of the Scientific Board of the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), in Galway, Ireland.

The WWW is today the most widely used platform for application development and information delivery. Web applications have evolved from static, read-only Web sites to current mobile and pervasive information systems allowing users to collaborate to perform their jobs. Most companies are automating their core workflows using Web technologies; new different business supported by the provision of complex Web services appear every day.

These applications fields impose new modeling, design and implementation requirements; applications must have good performance but they must also be usable and often adaptable to the individual user, his location, preferred interface device, and so on. On the other hand, the development life cycle is becoming increasingly shorter, to the point that some applications are in constant development, even as they are deployed and running. Consequently, we need to improve design and implementation reuse, and modularize the applications as much as possible.

Web applications are different from “conventional” applications mainly because they are based on the hypermedia metaphor; they allow users to access information by navigating through multimedia nodes that are connected by links. More complex structures such as hierarchical indexes and landmarks are often necessary to help the user find its way through the information sea. Successful Web applications provide good navigation topologies helping the user to complete his tasks without experiencing the “lost in hyperspace” syndrome.

Conventional software engineering approaches fail to fulfill the needs of this application domain because they neglect the navigational dimension of Web applications - most simply consider them just as a particular case of interactive applications. Therefore, they lack meaningful abstractions to model the unique features of this kind of software.

In this talk, I will present an overview of Web application design methods, emphasizing lessons learned, both from a methodological and from a practitioner's point of view. I will also outline current advanced research, including extensions for the upcoming Semantic Web.

    Page Updated on 14.04.2009
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