Ivan Ivanov, SUNY Empire State College, U.S.A.
Title: Cloud Computing in Education: The Intersection of Challenges and Opportunities
Tony Shan, Keane Inc., U.S.A.
Title: Smart Cloud Engineering, Nomenclature, and Enablement
Donald Ferguson, CA Technologies, U.S.A.
Title: The Cloud Service Supply Chain
Marten van Sinderen, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Title: Enterprise Interoperability with the Internet of Services
Barry Smyth, CLARITY Centre for Sensor Web Technologies / University College Dublin, Ireland
Title: Search with a Little Help from Your Friends: Making Web Search more Collaborative
Eric van Heck, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Title: Challenges for Software Agents Supporting Decision-Makers in Trading Flowers Worldwide
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Ivan Ivanov SUNY Empire State College U.S.A. |
Brief Bio
Ivan I. Ivanov earned his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Computing and Network Technologies from the Technical University at Sofia, Bulgaria.
He was a research fellow in leading universities in Great Britain, The Netherlands and France. He worked in joint European IT projects with partners from France, United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Greece, Italy, and in cooperation with worldwide technology leaders to develop advanced technological infrastructure, information services, and professional training at educational establishments in Bulgaria. An active technology expert and educator for over 30 years, Ivanov has been researcher, program developer, lecturer, project manager, director and senior administrator in various academic institutions in Bulgaria.
As an Associate Professor in Computer Science and Information Systems at the State University of New York, Empire State College since 2003, he has worked with students from diverse area of studies in emerging technology topics that reflect their educational plans and career opportunities. The studies he teaches cluster in several areas: computer business applications; computer organization and architectures; data communications and networks, e-business technologies, information technology for management, management information systems, and project management. Since 2005, he is an organizer and sponsor for traditional Technology Workshops, annual forums for Empire State College students to build up researching, analytical, critical thinking and presentation skills; sharing best practice in technology topics as it relates to term projects and professional development to a select group of peers, IT experts, college alumni and faculties.
In the last few years, in spite of concerns about the hype, cloud computing has expanded steadily both horizontally - across industries, and vertically - in organizations' technology stacks. Most technologies that enable cloud services existed prior to cloud computing's existence, although these days they rejuvenate, evolve and stimulate the computational ecosystem transformations. Actually the radical change for organizations is in rethinking and reengineering their traditional IT resources advancing them with cloud architectures and implementing services based on cloud computing delivery models. The change is underway on a large scale: from vendors and developers to providers and customers, and the key issues of "cloudiness" are not only in economics and management, but in provisioning, interoperability and security of the integrated services.
The Cloud Computing phenomenon likewise creates exciting challenges and opportunities for the entire educational system. For faculty, students, administration and IT professionals it is a thrilling journey driven by many agendas - cost cutting, delivering dynamic mobile and interactive computational services, utilizing and leveraging integrated IT infrastructures and systems. This talk will explore the impact of cloud computing on the educational socio-technical system and will provide the author's experience in strategizing and utilizing cloud-based applications and services.
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Tony Shan Keane Inc. U.S.A. |
Brief Bio
Tony Shan is an industry-recognized thought leader and technology visionary with 25 years of experience and guru-level expertise on systems design, architecture engineering, portfolio rationalization, product development, process standardization, SOA, and Cloud Computing. In a role of a hands-on practitioner and strategy expert, he has directed the lifecycle design of large-scale award-winning distributed systems on diverse platforms in Fortune 50 companies like IBM, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Wachovia, and First Union. He has built more than 100 architecture/process frameworks, metamodels and methods, resulting from hundreds of real-world customer initiatives and applied research projects, mentoring/coaching engagements as adjunct professor, as well as strategic advising to Wall Street institutions. He is a prolific author with dozens of top-notch publications and over 10 books on next-generation technologies. He is a frequent keynote speaker and Chair/Panel/Advisor/Organizing Committee in preeminent conferences/workshops, an editor/editorial advisory board member of IT research journals/books, and a founder of several user groups and forums.
This talk presents a holistic approach of Smart Cloud Engineering, Nomenclature, and Enablement (SCENE), to comprehensively deal with the key issues and risks in the adoption and development of real-world Cloud solutions. The aspects of Cloud Computing are anatomized by means of a systematic investigation of the key perspectives - what, which, when, why, who, where, and how (6W+1H). We begin with assessing a number of definitions of Cloud Computing, and propose a unified concept of Cloud Computing, taking the views of both providers and consumers in technology and business terms respectively. We further characterize Cloud Computing to crystallize the underlying attributes of Cloud services. As a result, we are able to qualify what is not Cloud Computing in the business cases. A retrospective examination of the computing progression in the last three decades reflects the evolutionary path to the Cloud paradigm, which also reveals the relationship of Cloud Computing with other relevant technologies.
An in-depth look into the challenges in the data processing leads to the imperatives that drive the transition to the Cloud Computing era with the compelling business benefits. We then inspect the classification of Cloud services, resulting in a simplified categorization model of two service types, which complements the 3-level model of SaaS/IaaS/PaaS. The synergy and interconnections are probed, followed by an anatomy of major players and vendors. Moreover, we explore the common types of use cases, along with the use case-requirement mapping. A few customer scenarios are examined as working examples.
Next we discuss how to effectively operationalize Cloud Computing. The concept of Cloud Engineering is introduced, which is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the ideation, conceptualization, development, operation, and maintenance of Cloud Computing, as well as the study and applied research of the approach, i.e., the application of engineering to Cloud. The needs and value proposition of Cloud Engineering are articulated. A layered structure is designed for the Cloud Engineering discipline, consisting of Foundation, Implementation, Lifecycle, and Management (FILM). The detailed elements are subsequently defined for each individual layer, such as principles, methods, frameworks, maturity, governance, tooling, etc. A subdiscipline map is built to group the related components of Cloud Engineering, which also shows the adaptivity of the interdisciplinary knowledge that encompasses contributions from diverse areas.
Last but not least, we demonstrate a series of "Cloud Engineering in action" to illustrate the practical use of this cross-discipline. An overarching taxonomical cloudology is defined to logically sort out *aaS, coupled with a multi-step Cloud architecting procedure for accelerated Cloud enablement.
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Donald Ferguson CA Technologies U.S.A. |
Brief Bio
Dr. Donald F. Ferguson is executive vice president and chief technology officer at CA, responsible for the architecture and design of CA products, innovation and technical initiatives and technical strategy.
Donald is also responsible for promoting technical excellence at CA and further developing the company's technical community. He chairs the Distinguished Engineer Council and also serves on CA's Executive Leadership Team, which supervises the business and technology strategies for the company as a whole.
Before assuming the position of CTO, Donald was corporate senior vice president and chief architect. In this role, he defined the direction and technical evolution for CA products. Donald placed special emphasis on product integration and support of new technologies like business process modeling, Web service standards and Web 2.0.
Prior to joining CA in 2008, Donald was a Microsoft Technical Fellow working in the Office of the CTO. He worked on various projects exploring the future of enterprise software, with a special emphasis on Web services and Internet application platforms.
Donald began his career at IBM, where he worked for twenty years. In 2001 he became an IBM Fellow, IBM's highest technical honor. IBM has approximately 50 IBM Fellows in the 150,000 person engineering team. Donald was chief architect for the IBM Software Group, where he led the architecture and initiatives for the DB2, WebSphere, Tivoli, Lotus and Rational product families.
During this time, Donald also worked on a number of J2EE, SOA and Web service initiatives, specifications and standards. He has also held the title of chief architect for the WebSphere product family from its inception until becoming IBM Software Group chief architect.
Dr. Ferguson earned a Ph.D in Computer Science from Columbia University. He has contributed to approximately 30 technical journal and conference publications, and has more than a dozen patents.
Any non-trivial application or business service is a composite application. Composite applications assemble functional building blocks into the solution using technology like SOA, workflow management and business processes, and portals or mashups. Online commerce, self-service banking, and internal HR systems are all examples of composite applications.
Today, almost all resources in a composite application are "behind the firewall" and "in the datacenter". This approach to deploying applications
is analogous to vertically integrated manufacturing and logistics. Retail and manufacturing has evolved from vertically integrated manufacturing to a distributed, multi-company supply chain. The emergence of cloud services will create a similar transformation in business applications. The composite application becomes a supply chain of cloud services and infrastructure.
Enterprise IT will evolve from a primarily on-premise "factory" model to a cloud service supply chain. The talk will:
-- Explain the value of the IT supply chain
-- Identifying challenges and opportunities to realize the vision
-- Explain the state of the art in technology for realizing the vision
-- Identify research challenges and opportunities.
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Marten van Sinderen University of Twente The Netherlands |
Brief Bio
Marten van Sinderen holds a MSc in Electrical Engineering and a PhD in Computer Science, both from the University of Twente (UT). He is currently Associate Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science of the UT, and coordinator of the research area on Service Architectures and Health Applications at UT's Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT). His research focuses on design methods and technologies for distributed information systems. His research interests include service-oriented architectures, model-driven design, enterprise interoperability, and business-IT alignment.
Marten van Sinderen is active in both national and international communities on his field of interest. He was project manager of the Dutch Freeband/A-MUSE project (BSIK 03025) on model-driven design of context-aware services. He currently leads the Dutch GenCom/U-Care project (IGC0816) on tailorable and adaptive homecare services. He is chairman of the steering committee of the International IEEE Enterprise Computing Conference (EDOC), and program co-chair of the International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B). He is also a member of the managerial board of IFIP WG5.8 on Enterprise Interoperability, and a member of the editorial boards of the Enterprise Information Systems journal published by Taylor & Francis and the Service oriented Computing and Applications journal published by Springer.
Our economy today is characterized by increasing collaboration and competition between enterprises on a global market, using the Internet and other technical means to overcome the traditional barrier of geographical distribution. Global competition leads to an increased rate of change and innovation, both concerning the products and services as well as the processes that yield these products and services. Therefore, being able to collaborate and to adapt to changes in requirements and opportunities determines to a large extent the competitiveness of modern enterprises. Business value networks formed by on-demand enterprise collaborations will become increasingly important in the service economy of the future. It requires dynamic enterprise interoperability at the business and technical level, aligning business goals and technical capabilities across organizational boundaries and reconciling different stakeholders in the value network.
In this talk we survey the Internet/Web developments regarding the empowerment of modern enterprises. Especially, we will explore the role of the Internet of Services to help enterprises to aggregate functions from different business organizations and achieving their respective goals in cooperation, in other words, to support enterprise interoperability.
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Barry Smyth CLARITY Centre for Sensor Web Technologies / University College Dublin Ireland |
Brief Bio
Prof. Barry Smyth is the Digital Chair of Computer Science in the of Computer Science and Informatics at University College Dublin. He is also the Director of CLARITY, the Centre for Sensor Web Technologies, a Science Foundation Ireland funded research centre that employees 100+ researchers. Barry's research interests include artificial intelligence and recommender systems. He has published over 350 scientific papers in leading journals and conferences and received numerous awards for his research. Barry is also an experienced entrepreneur, having co-founded ChangingWorlds (acquired by Amdocs Inc, 2008) and a new social search company, HeyStaks, which recently secured €1m in venture capital funding.
The world of web search is usually viewed as a solitary place. Although millions of searchers use services like Google and Yahoo everyday, their individual searches take place in isolation, leaving each searcher to fend for themselves when it comes to finding the right information at the right time. Recently, researchers have begun to question the solitary nature of web search, proposing a more collaborative search model in which groups or users can cooperate to search more effectively.
Indeed, despite the absence of explicit collaboration features from mainstream search engines, there is clear evidence that users implicitly engage in many different forms of collaboration as they search, although, these collaboration "work-arounds" are far from ideal. Naturally, this has motivated researchers to consider how future web search engines might better support different types of collaboration to take advantage of this latent need.
In this talk we focus on some of the ways in which web search may become a more social and collaborative experience. This will include lessons learned from both the theory and practice of a more collaborative approach to web search and we will describe recent attempts to bring collaboration support to mainstream search engines.
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Eric van Heck Erasmus University Rotterdam The Netherlands |
Brief Bio
Eric van Heck holds the Chair of Information Management and Markets at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, where he is conducting research and is teaching on the strategic and operational use of information technologies for companies and markets. He has co-authored or co-edited fourteen books such as Making Markets (Harvard Business School Press, 2002) and Smart Business Networks (Springer, 2005). His articles were published in journals such as California Management Review, Communications of the ACM, Decision Support Systems, Electronic Markets, European Journal of Information Systems, European Management Journal, Harvard Business Review, Information Systems Research, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Information Technology, and WirtschaftsInformatik. He was ERIM's Director of Doctoral Education (2007-2009), a Visiting Professor at the Helsinki School of Economics (2002-2005) and the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich (Summer 2006), and a Visiting Scholar at MIT Sloan School of Management (Summer 2009).
High performing firms are working in business networks with advanced decision making capabilities. Decision making in business networks is a new research area that provides knowledge and insight about how decision rights are allocated and how decision processes are designed and implemented in evolving business networks. In this key note we focus on a particular type of support: software agents. Software agents are software programs that act on behalf of users or other programs. Software agents can be autonomous (capable of modifying the way in which they achieve their objectives), intelligent (capable of learning and reasoning), and distributed (capable to being executed on physically distinct computers). Software agents can act in multi-agent systems (e.g. distributed agents that do not have the capabilities to achieve an objective alone and thus must be able to communicate) and as mobile agents (e.g. these relocate their execution onto different processors). Recent research shows that software agents are able to act as a decision support tool or a training tool for negotiations with people. Although software agents are popular in scientific research programs, the use of software agents in real life business situations is limited. We will explore the use of software agents in the flower industry with its complex logistics, commercial, and financial processes on a global scale.