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Media Partners

Publications, websites and institutions related to this event, its satellite events and its venue are welcome to enter a media partnership with WEBIST, by means of which they assist in divulging the conference through a link exchange, by forwarding our Call for Papers or by publishing news pieces about the event, its speakers or satellite events.

Current Media Partners:

Cyber Defense Magazine

Cyber Defense Magazine is by ethical, honest, passionate information security professionals for IT Security professionals. Our mission is to share cutting edge knowledge, real world stories and awards on the best ideas, products and services in the information technology industry.


TechReleased is one of the leading source of technology information and a newspaper which is dedicated for technology news and releases, it is one of the few online sources that provides all the technology news from the globe.

TechReleased Technology newspaper provide you with latest technology news & releases including technology events  from Computers, Internet, Mobile, Gadgets, Electronics, Automotive, Aerospace, Games, Agriculture, Energy, Consumer, Healthcare, Military, Marine and Telecomm technology including photo galleries of technology new products.
