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Special Session
Special Session on
Socio-technical Dynamics in Information Systems
 - STDIS 2015

20 - 22 May, 2015 - Lisbon, Portugal

Within the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - WEBIST 2015


Monique Janneck
Lübeck University of Applied Sciences

Brief Bio
Monique Janneck is a professor for Human-Computer Interaction in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Luebeck University of Applied Sciences, Germany. She graduated in Psychology and earned a doctorate in Informatics with a thesis on the design of cooperative systems from a communication psychology perspective. Her research focus is on the interplay between human behavior, social structures and technological development: She is interested in the way humans interact with technology, the way theories and findings on human behavior can inform the design of informationtechnology, and the way technology impacts individual, organizational, and social behavior and structures. A special focus is placed on web-based systems and Social Media.


Information technology is deeply interwoven with personal, social, and organizational developments: Technology changes work routines as well as personal habits or communication between people or groups, has an impact on political decisions and legislation, enables new forms of business and customer relations and so forth. The aim of this special session is to shed more light on the dynamic interplay between technological and social systems, especially regarding innovative web-based systems and technologies. Papers with a technological focus (e.g. dealing with innovative web technologies ors systems and their potential socio-technical impact) or a social / organizational focus (e.g. case studies on the impact of technology in a certain context) are equally welcome. Especially interdisciplinary research is desirable.

Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Social Media and Web 2.0 systems
  • Mobile Devices and their Impact
  • Development of Virtual Networks and Organizations
  • Technology Implementation Processes and Change Management
  • Personal Traits and Technology Use
  • Cooperative and Communication Systems
  • Usability Issues and Methods for Socio-technical Usability Evaluation and Usability Engineering
  • Awareness Issues
  • Security, Privacy, and Self Disclosure


Paper Submission: March 12, 2015 (expired)
Authors Notification: March 26, 2015 (expired)
Camera Ready and Registration: April 6, 2015 (expired)


Petra Bayerl, Independent Researcher, Netherlands
Matthias Finck, NORDAKADEMIE - Hochschule der Wirtschaft, Germany
Sascha Guczka, University of Hamburg, Germany
Adelka Niels, Luebeck University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Henning Staar, Independent Researcher, Germany
Sven Uebelacker, Security in Distributed Applications, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
Isabella von Wissmann, Psychology, University of Hamburg, Germany
Karsten Wendland, University of Applied Sciences Aalen, Germany

(list not yet complete)


After thorough reviewing by the special session program committee, all accepted papers will be published in a special section of the conference proceedings book - under an ISBN reference and on digital support - and submitted for indexation by Web of Science / Conference Proceedings Citation Index, DBLP, EI and SCOPUS.
SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef ( and every paper is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library


WEBIST Special Sessions - STDIS 2015