Keynote lectures are plenary sessions which are scheduled for taking
about 45 minutes + 10 minutes for questionsKeynote Lectures List:
- Azzelarabe Taleb-Bendiab, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
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- Schahram Dustdar, Information Systems Institute, Vienna
University of Technology, Austria -
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- Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan, Italy
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Keynote Lecture 1 - Autonomic Computing Meets Complex Information Systems: Theory and Practice |
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Dr. Azzelarabe Taleb-Bendiab
Liverpool John Moores University
Brief Bio of Dr. Azzelarabe Taleb-Bendiab
Prof. A. Taleb-Bendiab is Professor of Computer
Science and Head of Research at the School of Computing and
Mathematical Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. He has
over 15 years experience in conducting research and teaching in the
areas of distributed software engineering, information systems and
web technology. He has published widely in the area of distributed
information systems engineering, grid computing and autonomic
computing, and has a number of awards including: the Best Innovative
Paper at the IEEE International Conference on Self-Organising and
Self-Adaptive Systems, 2005, and best paper at the IEEE
International Conference of Autonomic Computing (ICAS), 2006.
Prof. Taleb-Bendiab research group focuses on distributed software
engineering with the overall aim to investigate the fundamental
requirements and the development of generic frameworks and/or
associated formal modelling methods for the engineering of
self-adaptive and self-organising systems. Central to its
objectives, the group aims at narrowing the gap between the theory
and practice of high-assurance, dependable and evolving software,
and facilitating their introduction and deployment in business
environments. This constitutes a key research direction in the
School and underpins research effort in middleware for networked
appliances, sensor and actuator networks and security. The group has
a number of UK research council and private/public sector funded
projects. The Group has (01) Professor, (02) Principal lecturers,
(07) senior lecturers, (02) research assistants and (14) PhD
research students.
Prof. Taleb-Bendiab has a well-developed collaborative track record
with UK private and public sector organisations and international
companies including; (i) Software evolution (UK Research Council,
1998-2000), (ii) High-assurance decision support systems for breast
cancer (UK Research Council, 2002-2005), (iii) E-health middleware
and software services for NHS Dental Services (UK NHS funded project
2005-2007), (iv) Taiwan Telecom Ltd (2001–2004) on distributed
software engineering training and consultancy related to National
Taiwanese E-government platform and software services.
He is a member of the UK research Council Peer Review and reviewed
research projects for the Dutch Research Council. He is also a
member of conference/workshop Technical and/or Organising Programme
Committees including: (i) Self-Organization and Cybernetics for
Informatics, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. (ii) IEEE
International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS),
2006-07. (iii) NetObject 2006-7 [advisory Board member]. (iv) IEEE
(v) Ease 2005-7. (vi) SAACS’05-07 [Co-Chair, TCP and Sessions
Chair], IEEE International Conference. (vii) IEEE International
Conference on Self-Organization and Autonomic Systems (SOAS),
Over the years, ICT has enriched and pervaded
every part of our lives yielding numerous socio-technical benefits.
Along with such benefits came increased requirements for improved
systems’ functionality, interoperability, dependability,
accessibility and ease of use to name but a few. This engendered a
myriad of technical challenges providing fertile research grounds to
explore new computational models such as those inspired by
biological concepts. Which aim to imbue future information systems
with self-managing capabilities to adapt autonomously to their
users’ requirements and environments. For instance, to recover from
an encountered/anticipated system failure, protect itself from
security vulnerability/attacks, tune its performance to guaranty its
service level agreement, or simply reconfigure to accommodate new
Since its inception back in 2002, significant progress has been made
towards imbuing modern information systems with autonomic
capabilities of self-configuring, self-organizing, self-managing and
self-repairing. However, the foundations and engineering principles
of complex autonomic information systems is far from being
completely understood, and are under rapid evolution. Hence, in the
spirit of the WEBIST conference, this lecture will provide the
audience with an upto date review of the emerging research results
in the field of autonomic and service-oriented information systems,
and their engineering concerns including relevance to supporting the
development of current and future web-based information systems.
The lecture will start with a brief overview of the general design
and complexity challenges of modern information systems, which will
be followed by a review of the state-of-the-art of autonomic systems
designs including; reference models, service-oriented architecture,
standards, distributed software engineering and artificial
intelligence tools and techniques for autonomic systems design and
management. Real-life examples will be used to illustrate the
contents of this presentation.
Brief Bio of Dr. Schahram Dustdar
Schahram Dustdar is Full Professor of Computer
Science with a focus on Internet Technologies at the Distributed
Systems Group, Information Systems Institute, Vienna University of
Technology (TU Wien) where he is director of the Vita Lab. He is
also Honorary Professor of Information Systems at the Department of
Computing Science at the University of Groningen (RuG), The
He received his M.Sc. (1990) and PhD. degrees
(1992) in Business Informatics (Wirtschaftsinformatik) from the
University of Linz, Austria. In April 2003 he received his
Habilitation degree (Venia Docendi in Angewandte Informatik) for his
work on Process-aware Collaboration Systems - Architectures and
Coordination Models for Virtual Teams. His work experience includes
several years as the founding head of the Center for Informatics
(ZID) at the University of Art and Industrial Design in Linz
(1991-1999), Austrian project manager of the MICE EU-project (1993 -
97), and director of Coordination Technologies at the Design
Transfer Center in Linz (1999 - 2000). While on sabbatical leave he
was a post-doctoral research scholar (Erwin-Schrödinger scholarship)
at the London School of Economics (Information Systems Department)
(1993 and 1994), and a visiting research scientist at NTT Multimedia
Communications Labs in Palo Alto, USA during 1998.
Since 1999 he works as the co-founder and chief
scientist of Caramba Labs Software AG ( in Vienna, a
venture capital co-funded software company focused on software for
collaborative processes in teams. Caramba Labs was nominated for
several (international and national) awards: World Technology Award
in the category of Software (2001); Top-Startup companies in Austria
(Cap Gemini Ernst & Young) (2002); MERCUR Innovationspreis der
Wirtschaftskammer (2002). Currently, Prof. Dustdar is on the
advisory board of Smart Information Systems and Sanaga Labs, two
Austrian Start-up companies as well as on the management board of
the Association of the alumni of the TU Wien.
He has published some 120 scientific papers as
conference-, journal-, and book contributions. He has written 3
academic books as well as one professional book. His latest book,
co-authored with H. Gall and M. Hauswirth, is on software
architectures for distributed systems (2003), Springer-Verlag. In
1997 he co-authored a book on Multimedia Information Systems, Kluwer
and co-edited the book Telekooperation in Unternehmen, Gabler
Verlag. He has published in various journals including Distributed
and Parallel Databases, Data and Knowledge Engineering, Journal of
Grid Computing, WWW Journal, IEEE Multimedia, Business Process
Management Journal, Journal of Systems Architecture, Journal of
Organizational Computing, Kluwer Multimedia Tools and Applications,
Wirtschaftsinformatik, and Journal of Computing and Information
Technology. He co-organized several scientific workshops and
conferences (e.g. BPM 2006, DiSD 2005 colocated with RE; Teamware
colocated with SAINT; CSSE colocated with ASE; UMICS 2003, 2004,
2005, 2006, colocated with CAiSE; DMC 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
colocated with IEEE WETICE) and has been serving on some 150
international program committees as well as on editorial boards of
10 scientific journals. His research interests include collaborative
computing, workflow systems, Internet technologies, software
architecture, distributed systems, distributed multimedia systems,
and mobile collaboration systems. He is charter member of the
Association of Information Systems (AIS), member of the IEEE
Computer society, ACM, GI, and Austrian Computer Society. He was an
invited expert evaluator for the IST 6th Framework (FP6) of the
European Commission as well as an invited expert for the 7th
Framework roadmap definitions for some working groups. He has been a
scientific reviewer for a number of National Science Foundations
(e.g. NWO (Netherlands), EPSRC (UK), SFI (Ireland), NSERC (Canada)).
Knowledge Workers are increasingly involved in
new kinds of organizational structures and work interaction patterns
that require highly dynamic forms of collaboration, ranging from
Nimble (short-lived) to Virtual and Mobile/Nomadic Teams. Teams
morph from one kind of organizational structure to another. In most
cases, workers engage in many such teams simultaneously and require
support from adequate software services. To meet the requirements of
dynamic, multiform team working, current Internet-based
Collaboration Working Environments must evolve towards large-scale,
loosely-coupled, trusted service-oriented systems, with increased
emphasis on P2P capabilities.
In this talk we discuss some scientific
approaches focused on a new blend of human collaboration and
service-oriented systems that explores two basic research strands:
1. efficient and effective support for human
interactions and collaboration in various teams through dynamically
aggregated software services;
2. use of human-to-human or human-to-service interactions in
applying intelligent mining and learning algorithms that can detect
interaction patterns for pro-active service aggregation.
In addressing these issues, we present our
current findings for mining human activities and providing
context-relevant services, at the right time and granularity, to
human interaction partners in those various team forms. To this end,
relevance-based context representation models and autonomic service
adaptation methods for context-coupling and enrichment will be
Keynote Lecture
3 - Representing and Validating Digital Business Processes |
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Dr. Ernesto Damiani
University of Milan
Brief Bio of Dr. Ernesto Damiani
Ernesto Damiani is a professor at the Dept. of
Information Technology, University of Milan, where he leads the
Software Architectures Lab. Prof. Damiani holds/has held visiting
positions at several international institutions, including George
Mason University (Fairfax, VA, US) and LaTrobe University
(Melbourne, Australia). Prof. Damiani is an Adjunct Professor at the
Sydney University of Technology (Australia). He has written several
books and filed international patents; also, he co-authored more
than two hundred research papers on advanced secure service-oriented
architectures, open source software and business process design,
software reuse and Web data semantics. Prof. Damiani is the Vice
Chair of IFIP WG 2.12 on Web Data Semantics and the secretary of
IFIP WG 2.13 on Open Source Software Development. He coordinates
several research projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Research
and by private companies including Siemens Mobile, Cisco Systems, ST
Microelectronics, BT Exact, Engineering, Telecom Italy and others.
Business Process Modeling is increasingly
important for the digitalization of both IT and non-IT business
processes underlying business process development, as well as for
their deployment on service-oriented architectures. A number of
methodologies, languages and software tools have been proposed to
support digital business process design; nonetheless, a lot remains
to be done for assessing a business process model validity with
respect to an existing organizational structure or external
constraints like the ones imposed by security compliance
regulations. In particular, web-based business coalitions and other
inter-organizational transactions pose a number of research
The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) provides a framework for
representing processes at different levels of abstraction. In this
talk, a MDA-driven notion of business process model is introduced,
composed of a static domain model including the domain entities and
actors, plus a platform-independent workflow model providing a
specification of process activities . The talk describes some
semantics-aware representation techniques, introducing logics-based
static domain models and their relationship with Description Logics
and current Semantic Web metadata formats. Then, the talk discusses
some issues emerging from the literature on business processes
representation and presents some research directions on the
evaluation of the compatibility of business and IT processes with
existing organizational environments and practices. The problem of
implicit knowledge and? of its capture in a manner which allows it
to be included in business process design is also discussed,
presenting some open research issues. |